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JSON-RPC Endpoints

Interact directly with the Flashbots RPC endpoint

Advanced users can interact with the RPC endpoint at, or one of the testnet URLs below.

Bundle Relay URLS


The API provides JSON-RPC methods for interfacing with Flashbots. Below are some of the restrictions:

  • There is a rate limit of 10,000 requests per second per IP
  • Each bundle (txs parameter) can contain at most 100 transactions and have a size limit of 300,000 bytes

Each method is documented below.


eth_sendBundle can be used to send your bundles to the Flashbots builder. The eth_sendBundle RPC has the following payload format:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_sendBundle",
"params": [
txs, // Array[String], A list of signed transactions to execute in an atomic bundle
blockNumber, // String, a hex encoded block number for which this bundle is valid on
minTimestamp, // (Optional) Number, the minimum timestamp for which this bundle is valid, in seconds since the unix epoch
maxTimestamp, // (Optional) Number, the maximum timestamp for which this bundle is valid, in seconds since the unix epoch
revertingTxHashes, // (Optional) Array[String], A list of tx hashes that are allowed to revert
replacementUuid, // (Optional) String, UUID that can be used to cancel/replace this bundle
builders, // (Optional) Array[String], A list of [registered]( block builder names to share the bundle with


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_sendBundle",
"params": [
"txs": ["0x123abc...", "0x456def..."],
"blockNumber": "0xb63dcd",
"minTimestamp": 0,
"maxTimestamp": 1615920932

example response:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "123",
"result": {
"bundleHash": "0x2228f5d8954ce31dc1601a8ba264dbd401bf1428388ce88238932815c5d6f23f"

If builders are specified, the response will include an additional smart field. Use the flashbots_getSbundleStats API to look up stats for smart bundles.

example with builders:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_sendBundle",
"params": [
"txs": ["0x123abc...", "0x456def..."],
"blockNumber": "0xb63dcd",
"minTimestamp": 0,
"maxTimestamp": 1615920932,
"builders": ["builder0x69"]

example response:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "123",
"result": {
"bundleHash": "0x2228f5d8954ce31dc1601a8ba264dbd401bf1428388ce88238932815c5d6f23f",
"smart": "true"


mev_sendBundle uses a new bundle format to send bundles to MEV-Share. See the Understanding Bundles page for more information, or check out the Sending Bundles page for a short guide.

NOTE: optional fields are marked with a ?
example: {
privacy?: { ... } // privacy is optional
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: string | number,
method: "mev_sendBundle",
params: [{ /* MevSendBundleParams */
version: "v0.1",
inclusion: {
block: string, // hex-encoded number
maxBlock?: string, // hex-encoded number
body: Array<
{ hash: string } |
{ tx: string, canRevert: boolean } |
{ bundle: MevSendBundleParams }
validity?: {
refund?: Array<{
bodyIdx: number,
percent: number,
refundConfig?: Array<{
address: string,
percent: number,
privacy?: {
hints?: Array<
"calldata" |
"contract_address" |
"logs" |
"function_selector" |
"hash" |
builders?: Array<string>,
metadata?: {
originId?: string,

example request:

"params": [
"version": "v0.1",
"inclusion": {
"block": "0x8b8da8",
"maxBlock": "0x8b8dab"
"body": [
"hash": "0x24e6e999b8abf2c4df46e8a02516c0983043039a5a54f89fa87274427ce64798"
"tx": "0x02f880058201d685e9103fda0085e9103fda368255f0940000c335bc9d5d1af0402cad63fa7f258363d71a8092696d206261636b72756e6e69696969696e67c080a0c5058ccf5759e29d4ad28e038f632a9b6269bbb0644c61447e0f14d56c453d73a048e877ee621c4b6be1234a8ad84379e80d45b288a7271e2b1aede7a04f06fd98",
"canRevert": false
"validity": {
"refund": [],
"refundConfig": []
"method": "mev_sendBundle",
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0"

example response:

"bundleHash": "0x7d6e491ab67aee5f4b75321c936bf05664d2d9b234fd67083e46bd43bb42f383"


eth_callBundle can be used to simulate a bundle against a specific block number, including simulating a bundle at the top of the next block. The eth_callBundle RPC has the following payload format:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_callBundle",
"params": [
txs, // Array[String], A list of signed transactions to execute in an atomic bundle
blockNumber, // String, a hex encoded block number for which this bundle is valid on
stateBlockNumber, // String, either a hex encoded number or a block tag for which state to base this simulation on. Can use "latest"
timestamp, // (Optional) Number, the timestamp to use for this bundle simulation, in seconds since the unix epoch


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_callBundle",
"params": [
"txs": ["0x123abc...", "0x456def..."],
"blockNumber": "0xb63dcd",
"stateBlockNumber": "latest",
"timestamp": 1615920932

example response:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "123",
"result": {
"bundleGasPrice": "476190476193",
"bundleHash": "0x73b1e258c7a42fd0230b2fd05529c5d4b6fcb66c227783f8bece8aeacdd1db2e",
"coinbaseDiff": "20000000000126000",
"ethSentToCoinbase": "20000000000000000",
"gasFees": "126000",
"results": [
"coinbaseDiff": "10000000000063000",
"ethSentToCoinbase": "10000000000000000",
"fromAddress": "0x02A727155aeF8609c9f7F2179b2a1f560B39F5A0",
"gasFees": "63000",
"gasPrice": "476190476193",
"gasUsed": 21000,
"toAddress": "0x73625f59CAdc5009Cb458B751b3E7b6b48C06f2C",
"txHash": "0x669b4704a7d993a946cdd6e2f95233f308ce0c4649d2e04944e8299efcaa098a",
"value": "0x"
"coinbaseDiff": "10000000000063000",
"ethSentToCoinbase": "10000000000000000",
"fromAddress": "0x02A727155aeF8609c9f7F2179b2a1f560B39F5A0",
"gasFees": "63000",
"gasPrice": "476190476193",
"gasUsed": 21000,
"toAddress": "0x73625f59CAdc5009Cb458B751b3E7b6b48C06f2C",
"txHash": "0xa839ee83465657cac01adc1d50d96c1b586ed498120a84a64749c0034b4f19fa",
"value": "0x"
"stateBlockNumber": 5221585,
"totalGasUsed": 42000


mev_simBundle uses a new bundle format to simulate matched bundles on MEV-Share. See mev-share spec for more information.

jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: string | number,
method: "mev_simBundle",
params: [{ /* MevSimBundleParams */
version: "beta-1",
inclusion: {
block: string, // hex-encoded number
maxBlock?: string, // hex-encoded number
body: Array<
{ hash: string } |
{ tx: string, canRevert: boolean } |
{ bundle: MevSimBundleParams }
validity: {
refund: Array<{
bodyIdx: number,
percent: number,
refundConfig: Array<{
address: string,
percent: number,
privacy?: {
hints?: Array<
"calldata" |
"contract_address" |
"logs" |
"function_selector" |
"hash" |
builders?: Array<string>,
metadata?: {
originId?: string,
simOptions?: { /* SimBundleOptions */
parentBlock?: number | string, // Block used for simulation state. Defaults to latest block.
blockNumber?: number, // default = parentBlock.number + 1
coinbase?: string, // default = parentBlock.coinbase
timestamp?: number, // default = parentBlock.timestamp + 12
gasLimit?: number, // default = parentBlock.gasLimit
baseFee?: bigint, // default = parentBlock.baseFeePerGas
timeout?: number, // default = 5 (defined in seconds)

example request (sent after landing a bundle via mev_sendBundle):

"params": [
"inclusion": {
"block": "0x8b8da8",
"maxBlock": "0x8b8dab"
"body": [
"tx": "0x02f87b058201d5843b9aca00843b9aca368255f0940000c335bc9d5d1af0402cad63fa7f258363d71a808f696d20736861726969696969696e67c001a00d8d998fb0dc1e4da9b1de477acea54f185153d66d0af45a4ecfd20e453772baa07bd0ad1e1afb3f19749aaa5660f22859a6e485942346cd7186c024a5da747ada",
"canRevert": false
"tx": "0x02f880058201d685e9103fda0085e9103fda368255f0940000c335bc9d5d1af0402cad63fa7f258363d71a8092696d206261636b72756e6e69696969696e67c080a0c5058ccf5759e29d4ad28e038f632a9b6269bbb0644c61447e0f14d56c453d73a048e877ee621c4b6be1234a8ad84379e80d45b288a7271e2b1aede7a04f06fd98",
"canRevert": false
"version": "v0.1",
"validity": {
"refund": [],
"refundConfig": []
"parentBlock": "0x8b8da8"
"method": "mev_simBundle",
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0"

example response:

"success": true,
"stateBlock": "0x8b8da8",
"mevGasPrice": "0x74c7906005",
"profit": "0x4bc800904fc000",
"refundableValue": "0x4bc800904fc000",
"gasUsed": "0xa620",
"logs": [{}, {}]


eth_cancelBundle is used to prevent a submitted bundle from being included on-chain. See bundle cancellations for more information.

eth_cancelPrivateTransaction is also supported on Alchemy.


replacementUuid must have been set when bundle was submitted.


When you cancel a bundle in Flashbots, the cancelled bundle is excluded from all future bids by the builder. However, there's no active adjustment to decrease the bid value on the relay for already placed bids. If the block value increases without your bundle, the bid might be replaced to reflect the new value.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_cancelBundle",
"params": [
replacementUuid, // UUIDv4 to uniquely identify submission


eth_sendPrivateTransaction is used to send a single transaction to Flashbots. Flashbots will attempt to build a block including the transaction for the next 25 blocks. See Private Transactions for more info.

eth_sendPrivateTransaction is also supported on Alchemy.

This method has the following JSON-RPC format:

jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: string | number,
method: "eth_sendPrivateTransaction",
params: [{
tx, // String, raw signed transaction
maxBlockNumber, // Hex-encoded number string, optional. Highest block number in which the transaction should be included.
preferences?: {
fast: boolean, // Sends transactions to all registered block builders, sets MEV-Share revenue share to 50%
privacy?: { // MEV-Share options; optional
hints?: Array< // data about tx to share w/ searchers on mev-share
"contract_address" |
"function_selector" |
"calldata" |
"logs" |
builders?: Array< // MEV-Share builders to exclusively receive bundles; optional
"default" |
validity?: {
refund?: Array<{address, percent}>

example request:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_sendPrivateTransaction",
"params": [
"tx": "0x123abc...",
"maxBlockNumber": "0xcd23a0",
"preferences": {
"fast": true,
"privacy": {
"hints": ["calldata", "transaction_hash"],
"builders": ["default"]
"validity": {
"refund": [{"address": "0xadd123", "percent": 50}]

example response:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": "0x45df1bc3de765927b053ec029fc9d15d6321945b23cac0614eb0b5e61f3a2f2a" // tx hash


By default, transactions are sent to the Flashbots MEV-Share Node with the default Stable configuration. The privacy parameter allows you to specify your own privacy parameters.

ParamType InfoDescription
hintArray of stringsEach hint specifies which data about the transaction will be shared with searchers on mev-share.
buildersArray of stringsBuilders to grant permission to include the transaction in a block.


calldataShare data sent to the smart contract (if applicable) by the transaction. The function selector and contract address will also be shared if the calldata is shared.
logsShare logs emitted by executing the transaction.
default_logsShare specific subset of logs related to defi swaps. Partial info (the pool id and the fact that a swap was made) for curve, balancer, and uniswapV2/V3-style trades
function_selectorShare the 4-byte identifier of the function being called on the smart contract by the transaction. The contract address will also be shared if the function selector is shared.
contract_addressShare the address of the recipient of the transaction; typically a smart contract.
hashShare the transaction hash (or bundle hash if sending a bundle). To use full privacy mode, share this hint and this hint alone. The hash will always be shared if other hints are shared.
tx_hashShare individual tx hashes in the bundle.


Flashbots currently supports sending orderflow to the following block builders. This is subject to change over time.



Validity is used to specify the address and percentage to pay refund from the backrun of this transaction.

By default, the refund is paid to the signer of the transaction and 90% of the backrun value is sent to the user by default.

If multiple refund addresses are specified, then the backrun value is split between them according to the percentage specified. For example, if refund is [{address: addr1, percent: 10}, {address: addr1, percent: 20}] then 10% of the backrun value is sent to addr1 and 20% is sent to addr2 and 70% of the backrun value is left to the builder.

ParamType InfoDescription
refundArray of objectsEach entry in the array specifies address that should receive refund from backrun and percent of the backrun value.
refund[].addressAddressAddress that should receive refund.
refund[].percentNumberPercentage of the total backrun value that this address should receive.


eth_sendPrivateRawTransaction behaves like eth_sendPrivateTransaction but its format is similar to that of eth_sendRawTransaction

This method has the following JSON-RPC format:

jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: string | number,
method: "eth_sendPrivateRawTransaction",
params: [
tx, // String, raw signed transaction
preferences?: {
fast: boolean, // Sends transactions to all registered block builders, sets MEV-Share revenue share to 50%
privacy?: { // MEV-Share options; optional
hints?: Array< // data about tx to share w/ searchers on mev-share
"contract_address" |
"function_selector" |
"calldata" |
"logs" |
builders?: Array< // MEV-Share builders to exclusively receive bundles; optional
"default" |
validity?: {
refund?: Array<{address, percent}>

example request:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_sendPrivateRawTransaction",
"params": ["0x123abc..."]

example response:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": "0x45df1bc3de765927b053ec029fc9d15d6321945b23cac0614eb0b5e61f3a2f2a" // tx hash
ParamType InfoDescription
params[0]StringRaw signed transaction
params[1]ObjectOptional private tx preferences, see preferences in eth_sendPrivateTransaction.


The eth_cancelPrivateTransaction method stops private transactions from being submitted for future blocks. A transaction can only be cancelled if the request is signed by the same key as the eth_sendPrivateTransaction call submitting the transaction in first place.

eth_cancelPrivateTransaction is also supported for free on Alchemy.

This method has the following JSON-RPC format:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_cancelPrivateTransaction",
"params": [{
txHash, // String, transaction hash of private tx to be cancelled

example request:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_cancelPrivateTransaction",
"params": [
"txHash": "0x45df1bc3de765927b053ec029fc9d15d6321945b23cac0614eb0b5e61f3a2f2a"

example response:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": true // true if tx successfully cancelled, false if not



flashbots_getUserStats will be deprecated soon, use flashbots_getUserStatsV2

The flashbots_getUserStats JSON-RPC method returns a quick summary of how a searcher is performing in the Flashbots ecosystem, including their reputation-based priority. It is currently updated once every hour and has the following payload format:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "flashbots_getUserStats",
"params": [
blockNumber, // String, a hex encoded recent block number, in order to prevent replay attacks. Must be within 20 blocks of the current chain tip.

example response:

"is_high_priority": true,
"all_time_miner_payments": "1280749594841588639",
"all_time_gas_simulated": "30049470846",
"last_7d_miner_payments": "1280749594841588639",
"last_7d_gas_simulated": "30049470846",
"last_1d_miner_payments": "142305510537954293",
"last_1d_gas_simulated": "2731770076"


  • is_high_priority: boolean representing if this searcher has a high enough reputation to be in the high priority queue
  • all_time_miner_payments: the total amount paid to validators over all time
  • all_time_gas_simulated: the total amount of gas simulated across all bundles submitted to Flashbots. This is the actual gas used in simulations, not gas limit

Parameters with miner in the name are retrofitted with Flashbots block builder data to maintain backwards compatibility. This nomenclature will be changed in a future release to accurately reflect PoS Ethereum architecture.



flashbots_getBundleStats will be deprecated soon, use flashbots_getBundleStatsV2

The flashbots_getBundleStats JSON-RPC method returns stats for a single bundle. You must provide a blockNumber and the bundleHash, and the signing address must be the same as the one who submitted the bundle.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "flashbots_getBundleStats",
"params": [
bundleHash, // String, returned by the flashbots api when calling eth_sendBundle
blockNumber, // String, the block number the bundle was targeting (hex encoded)

example response:

"isSimulated": true,
"isSentToMiners": true,
"isHighPriority": true,
"simulatedAt": "2021-08-06T21:36:06.317Z",
"submittedAt": "2021-08-06T21:36:06.250Z",
"sentToMinersAt": "2021-08-06T21:36:06.343Z",
"receivedAt": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.250Z", // Added for POS, will be included as part of V2
"consideredByBuildersAt": [
"pubkey": "0x81babeec8c9f2bb9c329fd8a3b176032fe0ab5f3b92a3f44d4575a231c7bd9c31d10b6328ef68ed1e8c02a3dbc8e80f9",
"timestamp": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.343Z"
"pubkey": "0x81beef03aafd3dd33ffd7deb337407142c80fea2690e5b3190cfc01bde5753f28982a7857c96172a75a234cb7bcb994f",
"timestamp": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.394Z"
"pubkey": "0xa1dead1e65f0a0eee7b5170223f20c8f0cbf122eac3324d61afbdb33a8885ff8cab2ef514ac2c7698ae0d6289ef27fc",
"timestamp": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.322Z"
], // Added for POS, will be included as part of V2
"sealedByBuildersAt": [
"pubkey": "0x81beef03aafd3dd33ffd7deb337407142c80fea2690e5b3190cfc01bde5753f28982a7857c96172a75a234cb7bcb994f",
"timestamp": "2022-10-06T21:36:07.742Z"
] // Added for POS, will be included as part of V2


The flashbots_getUserStatsV2 JSON-RPC method returns a quick summary of how a searcher is performing in the Flashbots ecosystem, including their reputation-based priority. It is currently updated once every hour and has the following payload format:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "flashbots_getUserStatsV2",
"params": [
blockNumber // String, a hex encoded recent block number, in order to prevent replay attacks. Must be within 20 blocks of the current chain tip.

example response:

"isHighPriority": true,
"allTimeValidatorPayments": "1280749594841588639",
"allTimeGasSimulated": "30049470846",
"last7dValidatorPayments": "1280749594841588639",
"last7dGasSimulated": "30049470846",
"last1dValidatorPayments": "142305510537954293",
"last1dGasSimulated": "2731770076"


  • isHighPriority: boolean representing if this searcher has a high enough reputation to be in the high priority queue
  • allTimeValidatorPayments: the total amount paid to validators over all time
  • allTimeGasSimulated: the total amount of gas simulated across all bundles submitted to Flashbots. This is the actual gas used in simulations, not gas limit


The flashbots_getBundleStatsV2 JSON-RPC method returns stats for a single bundle. You must provide a blockNumber and the bundleHash, and the signing address must be the same as the one who submitted the bundle.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "flashbots_getBundleStatsV2",
"params": [
bundleHash, // String, returned by the flashbots api when calling eth_sendBundle
blockNumber, // String, the block number the bundle was targeting (hex encoded)

example response when bundle relay has simulated the bundle and the target block has been reached:

"isHighPriority": true,
"isSimulated": true,
"simulatedAt": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.317Z",
"receivedAt": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.250Z",
"consideredByBuildersAt": [
"pubkey": "0x81babeec8c9f2bb9c329fd8a3b176032fe0ab5f3b92a3f44d4575a231c7bd9c31d10b6328ef68ed1e8c02a3dbc8e80f9",
"timestamp": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.343Z"
"pubkey": "0x81beef03aafd3dd33ffd7deb337407142c80fea2690e5b3190cfc01bde5753f28982a7857c96172a75a234cb7bcb994f",
"timestamp": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.394Z"
"pubkey": "0xa1dead1e65f0a0eee7b5170223f20c8f0cbf122eac3324d61afbdb33a8885ff8cab2ef514ac2c7698ae0d6289ef27fc",
"timestamp": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.322Z"
"sealedByBuildersAt": [
"pubkey": "0x81beef03aafd3dd33ffd7deb337407142c80fea2690e5b3190cfc01bde5753f28982a7857c96172a75a234cb7bcb994f",
"timestamp": "2022-10-06T21:36:07.742Z"

when relay has not seen the bundle yet:

"isSimulated": false,

when relay has seen the bundle but has yet to simulate it:

"isSimulated": false,
"isHighPriority": true,
"receivedAt": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.250Z",

when relay has simulated the bundle but the target block has not been reached:

"isSimulated": true,
"isHighPriority": true,
"simulatedAt": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.317Z",
"receivedAt": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.250Z"


  • isHighPriority: boolean representing if this searcher has a high enough reputation to be in the high priority queue
  • isSimulated: boolean representing whether the bundle gets simulated. All other fields will be omitted except simulated field if API didn't receive bundle
  • simulatedAt: time at which the bundle gets simulated
  • receivedAt: time at which the bundle API received the bundle
  • consideredByBuildersAt: indicates time at which each builder selected the bundle to be included in the target block
  • sealedByBuildersAt: indicates time at which each builder sealed a block containing the bundle


The flashbots_getSbundleStats JSON-RPC method returns stats for a single sbundle. You must provide bundleHash, and the signing address must be the same as the one who submitted the bundle. Only bundles that do not contain user's private transactions are supported (so no backrun bundles)

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "flashbots_getSbundleStats",
"params": [
bundleHash, // String, returned by the flashbots api when calling eth_sendBundle with builders field or mev_sendBundle

example response when bundle relay has simulated the bundle and the target block has been reached:

"isHighPriority": true,
"isSimulated": true,
"simulatedAt": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.317Z",
"receivedAt": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.250Z",
"consideredByBuildersAt": [
"pubkey": "0x81babeec8c9f2bb9c329fd8a3b176032fe0ab5f3b92a3f44d4575a231c7bd9c31d10b6328ef68ed1e8c02a3dbc8e80f9",
"timestamp": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.343Z"
"pubkey": "0x81beef03aafd3dd33ffd7deb337407142c80fea2690e5b3190cfc01bde5753f28982a7857c96172a75a234cb7bcb994f",
"timestamp": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.394Z"
"pubkey": "0xa1dead1e65f0a0eee7b5170223f20c8f0cbf122eac3324d61afbdb33a8885ff8cab2ef514ac2c7698ae0d6289ef27fc",
"timestamp": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.322Z"
"sealedByBuildersAt": [
"pubkey": "0x81beef03aafd3dd33ffd7deb337407142c80fea2690e5b3190cfc01bde5753f28982a7857c96172a75a234cb7bcb994f",
"timestamp": "2022-10-06T21:36:07.742Z"

Only responds with success when sbundle is already simulated.

When bundle-relay has simulated the bundle but the target block (or maxBlock) has not been reached:

"isSimulated": true,
"isHighPriority": true,
"simulatedAt": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.317Z",
"receivedAt": "2022-10-06T21:36:06.250Z"


  • isSimulated: boolean representing whether the bundle gets simulated. All other fields will be omitted except simulated field if API didn't receive bundle
  • simulatedAt: time at which the bundle gets simulated
  • receivedAt: time at which the bundle API received the bundle
  • consideredByBuildersAt: indicates time at which each builder selected the bundle to be included in the target block
  • sealedByBuildersAt: indicates time at which each builder sealed a block containing the bundle


The flashbots_getFeeRefundTotalsByRecipient JSON-RPC method returns the total amount of fee refunds that have been earned by a specific address. Our refund process calculates these values weekly.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "flashbots_getFeeRefundTotalsByRecipient",
"params": [
recipient, // String, the address to query for fee refunds

The response contains three fields:

  • pending: the total amount of fee refunds that have been earned but not yet received by the recipient
  • received: the total amount of fee refunds that have been received by the recipient
  • maxBlockNumber: the highest block number for which fee refunds have been processed


The flashbots_getFeeRefundsByRecipient JSON-RPC method returns detailed information about fee refunds that have been earned by a specific address. Our refund process calculates these values weekly.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "flashbots_getFeeRefundsByRecipient",
"params": [
recipient, // String, the address to query for fee refunds
cursor, // [optional] String, the cursor to continue from

Responses are paginated and contain the following fields:

"refunds": [
"hash": "0x...",
"amount": "0x...",
"blockNumber": "0x13ddaa4",
"status": "pending",
"recipient": "0x..."
"cursor": "0x..."

The "refunds" field contains an array of per-order fee refunds, each with the following fields:

  • hash: the bundle hash or transaction hash associated with the fee refund
  • amount: the amount of the fee refund, in wei
  • blockNumber: the block number the order was contained in
  • status: the status of the fee refund, either "pending" or "received"
  • recipient: the address the fee refund is credited to, either the bundle signer or transaction sender

The "cursor" field is only included if there are more fee refunds to fetch. To continue fetching fee refunds, include the cursor as the second argument in the next request.

NOTE: This API currently only returns details for bundles included in block 20802497 and later. To see total fee refunds processed for a specific address since inception, use the flashbots_getFeeRefundTotalsByRecipient method.


The flashbots_setFeeRefundRecipient JSON-RPC method allows a user to "delegate" their fee refunds to a specific wallet address. Two addresses must be provided, the first is the address associated with the signing key used to authenticate your request, while the second is the address to send refunds to.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "flashbots_setFeeRefundRecipient",
"params": [

If the first address matches the authentication signature, then a response with from and to fields in the result will be returned:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": {

If the signature is invalid or does not match the first address, an appropriate error will be returned instead.

API Response

  • All method supports JSON-RPC standards for success response and not supported for error response(V2 methods are exceptions).
  • V2 methods supports JSON-RPC standards for both success and error response.


To authenticate your request, Flashbots endpoints require you to sign the payload and include the signed payload in the X-Flashbots-Signature header of your request.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Flashbots-Signature: <public key address>:<signature>" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_sendBundle","params":[{see above}],"id":1}'

Any valid ECDSA-secp256k1 key, like an arbitrary Ethereum key, can be used to sign the payload. The address associated with this key will be used by Flashbots to keep track of your reputation over time and provide user statistics. You can change the key you use at any time.

The signature is calculated by taking the EIP-191 hash of the json body encoded as UTF-8 bytes. Here's an example using ethers.js:

import {Wallet, utils} from 'ethers';

const privateKey = '0x1234';
const wallet = new Wallet(privateKey);
const body =
'{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_sendBundle","params":[{see above}],"id":1}';
const signature = wallet.address + ':' + wallet.signMessage(;